While canoeing the kids had an excellent view of a mature Bald Eagle on a branch only about twenty feet off the water. All the snapping and painted turtles, a Great Blue Heron and a Northern Water Snake made for a great adventure.
I stopped at Thedford Lagoons Friday afternoon on the way to camp to observe the White-rumped Sandpipers and was glad I did as on my return visit Sunday afternoon they were gone.
While at the camp I always enjoy birding very early in the mornings, with a 5am start, before everyone else rises. This year was the first year I failed to hear Eastern Whip-poor-wills but did manage a Great Horned Owl, Yellow-billed Cuckoos and Wood Thrush calling.
After camp ended on Sunday I birded The Pinery and was happy to hear and get distant looks at an Olive-sided Flycatcher along the Riverside trail. There seems to be one here every year.
Not a great image as it’s from a distance and highly cropped, but you get the idea.