Friday, January 19, 2024

Howler Monkeys

Unlike our last trip to Costa Rica where we stayed at remote cabins in National Parks this time we stayed at a huge resort with family and friends. However, our resort was fairly isolated and close to forested areas in the northwest section of the country and even though the grounds can become fairly sterile it is still a true pleasure to wake early and listen to the jungle awaken. I would set my alarm for 5 each morning however I was out the door long before that. By Costa Rica’s positioning they receive about 12 hours sunlight all year long in pretty much the same time frame every day.

First up was Ferruginous Pygmy Owls. The most I seen at one time was a pair however more were definitely heard in the distance. Pacific Screech Owls could also be heard and seen around the resort. Next was the Common Pauraque. They were everywhere. Even all over the pool umbrellas. Their call, although not nearly as romantic as the Whip-poor-will is definitely rather unique.

Then, just as the sun crests the mountains each morning, an assortment of parrots, parakeets, orioles, jays, wrens and grackles could be heard. Parrots and parakeets especially would be continuously flying in from the mountains surrounding the resort.

However, it was the Howler monkeys that would steal the show. Honestly, I think I would love a Howler Monkey alarm clock. It is so cool to just stand there at the jungle edge, sunlight breaking through the trees as it crests the mountains, and listen to the growl of the Howlers as they move along next to the resort. Since it was always early morning, and the Howlers were almost always backlite in the dark jungle cover, photography wasn't the greatest, but the growls were really cool.

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