Saturday, March 23, 2024

Cuban Pygmy Owl

 The Cuban Pygmy Owl is a very small, tame owl of wooded habitats that is active both day and night.

On our recent trip to Holguin some mornings I would find two or three hanging around the resort.

Depending on attitude, its staring yellow eyes and prominent arched white eyebrows can impart cuteness or ferocity. It is often found perched with tail cocked, and when flushed, typically flies only a short distance on rounded wings.

The Cuban Pygmy Owl occurs in two color types, gray and rust. Their song is a low whistled “whuh” or “hoo” given in a slow series. It was the first call I heard every morning when leaving my lodging. Which made it an easy target to find. And like most owls I have observed, was very habitual about which trees it hung out in during the day. Returning to the same trees every day.

The first Cuban Pygmy Owl we observed was with our guide Ernesto Reyes Mouino on our way from Varadero to Zapata Swamp.

We observed this Cuban Pygmy Owl while birding with Paulino Lopez Delgado in the Cayo Coco area.

We found the Cuban Pygmy Owl to be a very tame owl often actively hunting during the daytime.

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