Monday, June 10, 2024

Greater Antillean Grackle


Although we have observed Greater Antillean Grackle throughout the Greater Antilles before I have actually very seldom photographed them. I guess just because they seem everywhere.

A gregarious, noisy inhabitant of many habitats, the Greater Antillean Grackle is often near human habitation. Adults are clothed in glossy black, have a white eye, very long keel-shaped tail; youngsters are dull brownish in plumage, darker eyed and have a shorter tail. Only the Smooth-billed Ani is similar in color, size, and proportions, but its beak is much heftier than that of the Greater Antillean Grackle. Cuban Blackbird shares color and size, but has a shorter tail without a keel, and a dark eye. eBird

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