Friday, November 12, 2021

White-faced Capuchin Monkey


The White-faced Capuchin monkey has black fur on their back and legs and white fur on their chest and face. The white-faced capuchins are known for the cap of black fur on their head.

Adult males can weigh up to eight pounds while females weigh about five pounds. These monkeys grow to be from 15 to 17 inches in length, not including its tail which is about the same length as its body.

They can move very quickly between the branches of the trees in their habitat. The fastest recorded speed of these monkeys is 34 mph.

White-faced Capuchins use their voices as a way to stay safe from predators. They have a special chirping/barking sound they make to alert other monkeys in the area of a predator. This gives the monkeys a chance to go higher up in the trees or escape the area.

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