We had observed Brown Boobies in the Galapagos Islands however when a half dozen adult and immature started following the cruise ship one day the opportunity for flight shots was overwhelming. Although I’m pretty sure I would have won the pickleball, shuffleboard and bingo tournaments that day. Not to mention the Karaoke contest.
Brown Boobies are large seabirds of inshore and offshore waters in tropical regions of the Atlantic, Indian, and western Pacific Oceans.
Head, neck, and upperparts are solidly brown. The adult has a well-demarcated white belly and the immature has a variably mottled brown belly that rarely looks solidly brown.
It is often seen from beaches, sometimes just beyond the breakers. They breed in colonies on offshore islands, nesting on the ground.
Recently showing up more regularly as a vagrant on inland lakes and reservoirs in the U.S. and Canada, and further north along the Atlantic coast. Cornell All About Birds
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