After trekking up into the mountainous area to observe the Great Green Macaw we stopped at Cahuita National Park to do a little trail walking. Bird activity was extremely slow as by now as it was around mid day. I got separated from the group and was slowly working up the rear end when a guide going the other way on the trail mentioned that there was a Great Potoo ahead. Up high and very camouflaged. I was having trouble locating the bird when a couple French birders claimed they had seen an owl up ahead on the trail. I was immediately interested but highly suspected that it would turn out to be the Potoo.
A monstrous nightbird, the Great Potoo is superficially similar to an owl but not related. They are a pale mottled gray with large head, larger than other potoos, and lack a dark mustache stripe. Well camouflaged and difficult to spot; most often seen roosting on a horizontal limb during the day (less often on a broken off snag like other potoos). Found in forested areas and edges. Active at night, when it feeds on large insects. Listen for its terrifying call, a harsh descending scream. Cornell All About Birds
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