Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Geoffroy's Tamarin


Our next stop was the Panama Canal. After traversing the first three locks on the Atlantic side of the canal we entered Gatun Lake where we went on a nature cruise on a small skiff. The primary purpose of the cruise was monkeys and we were able to locate Howler, Squirrel and Panamanian Tamarins.

Geoffroy's Tamarin, also known as the Panamanian, red-crested or rufous-naped tamarin, is a tamarin, a type of small monkey, found in Panama and Colombia. It is predominantly black and white, with a reddish nape. They are diurnal and spends most of its time in trees, but does come down to the ground occasionally. It lives in groups that most often number between three and five individuals, and generally include one or more adults of each sex.

It eats a variety of foods, including insects, plant exudates, fruits and other plant parts. Insects and fruits account for the majority of its diet, but exudates are also important.

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